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Kyle Smallberg

- Animator

Hi, my name is Kyle Smallberg and I’m a qualified 3D digital Artist..

You could say I’m a night owl, I work best when the sun goes down. Basically Batman, I’m Batman of 3D. I work alongside Emma and Arend who are leading on the animation work for be-hive. I do 3D modelling, drawings, maybe even some animating. Basically, I’m the guy who does a little of everything. Apart from rigging, I’d rather eat my own shoe. My hobbies include never downloading the games my friends want me to, writing books and drawing the most absurd characters with 150% muscle and explosions and fire. While listening to James Blunt. He thinks I’m beautiful.

I heard about be-hive’s goals, and I found them to be so pure and good hearted. So many children and their families need help dealing with anxiety and they don’t know where to find help that actually helps. The messages portrayed are positive and show it’s okay to not be okay, which I can relate to very closely.

I have a full-time job in a UK company where I work on celebrity scans for Disney and Netflix movies. Unfortunately I cannot disclose more information because I see a red sniper dot on my chest.
I am so fortunate to be able to work with be-hive in my spare time, which I have an absolute blast doing. I dedicate any hours I can to this work as I truly believe in what we aim to achieve.