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Maurice Edelson

- Co Founder

I am a father who struggled to be a parent to my child. I have 3 children and they are all so different..

No one told me that we would need to parent them differently, love them differently and motivate them differently. No one warned me that my wife, my partner, might have a different opinion to parenting than me.

be-hive for me has been born out of a need to understand what your child is struggling with when it comes to anxiety. It may simply be that they are more anxious than others or there may be an overwhelming imbalance of adrenaline that makes daily life impossible to face, for both your child and in many cases for you as their parent.

There is a simpler and better way to approach our children that are struggling. We as parents need help to be able to understand what our role is and our children need help to guide them to be able to build their own resilience. To give them the tools and confidence to face the many challenges that life will throw at them.

I believe that my purpose and the reason I have started be-hive is to offer that support to families. To offer a hand to guide and stand by your side through this journey. I know that I needed help and it was extremely difficult to find.

In order to be able to help, be-hive has found some amazing people. Some with great academic medical knowledge and others with incredible life experiences. It is the combining of these talents and resources that make us different. We give your child a coach that they can relate to and not feel like they are being diagnosed or having to look into their past for a problem. We at be-hive are real people with a real passion to see these young people step out and enjoy what the world has to offer them.

Our children are bright, creative and just starting their journey. be-hive will walk with them, side-by-side and be a sounding board, a guide, so that the overwhelming struggles can come to an end.

I have realized that I am not alone in my journey with my children and so many parents need some help along the way.